The Teaching of Modern Prophetism

The Teaching of Modern Prophetism (22)

The "Teaching of Modern Prophetism" tries to represent the Light of the “great dream" of initiation, the light absorbed by the dreamer.

Unfortunately, for many centuries we have been surrounded by indifference, behind an illusory appreciation there is a hostile attitude towards the oral visions-revelations; in fact, attempts have been made to kill the people and the wise spokesmen of the "great dream" and "great Light", which also represent the only possible salvation from capitalism and the slavery perpetrated by the powerful for domination purposes instead of freedom or life. But we shall never give up our effort for the representation of the light, as long as the peoples of the world will not have all of the Promised Land.

Law enters the Service

Freitag, 07 Oktober 2016 15:39 geschrieben von
Law enters the service of men and not vice versa, it supports the weak, regardless of their identity, however it is not suitable for the current history as well as for the existing, future and unattainable justice (messiahship.) A new force has arisen, or had already arisen, from these writings and revelations. Thus you have given wings to these creatures, writings and awareness. Nowadays, just like a swan song, I can write about it, since the struggles of serfs, proletarians,…

The Canticle of the Promised Land

Donnerstag, 06 Oktober 2016 15:23 geschrieben von
In our world, the just do not exist, because there can be no prevailing justice, and the just are often killed, persecuted, deceived (whereas the opposite occurs in the Promised Land): the just, i.e. those who act with liberality and full awareness, are crucified. "... Does not ride a horse on the hills full of beauty and love ..." (prophet Isaiah.) How many crucified virtuous men will it take, before we shall revive in the glory and in light of…
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