Question: "We live in a terrible age, our world is ruled by violence: what is the opinion of modern prophetism? What will happen to us and to the world?" Thank you, you are really smart! Giulia from Modena.
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Answer: If we consider our history, we will realise that men have always been at war.
Life is impossible: it should not be like this, but there is nothing that we can do about it!
Actually, we tend to think that this part of the century will influence the future and determine the fate of mankind.
This decisive period will lead to the extinction of mankind, followed by the total destruction of life on the Earth, or will result in the birth of a new man.
- A man who does not hate life, as happened in the past; a man truly able to love life.
- A man who is affirmative instead of negative.
- A man who does not aim at life after death, but fully enjoys each moment and regards this life as a gift, instead of a punishment.
- A man who is not be the enemy of his body, but rather respects it as the temple of his soul.
- A man who is able to love and does not fear it; a man who establishes various kinds of relations and yet does not reject his identity.
There is no longer a third alternative.
Under the current conditions, man cannot survive.
He must change and evolve, or he will die and leave the Earth!
But we believe that "something" or "someone" will come, because life appeared only on our tiny planet, a trifle – just think about the Earth’s size: it is just a grain of sand in the universe- and the creator of life will surely protect it!
This must be the luckiest place in the whole universe: the birds sing, the trees grow and bloom, men are alive and, in spite of the haters, love, sing, dance and help one another ...
Something amazing has happened, and we know that it will be always so!
Love is an encounter, an orgasmic match, between death and life.
If you do not know love, then you will ignore the meaning of life.
You were born, you have lived, you have died ... but you still ignore it.
You know nothing about the in-between: love! This interval is the highest peak.
There are the four steps towards love.
The first: to be here and now;
(i.e. to be present) because love is possible only here and now.
You cannot love in the past (it is dead!)
Most people live in the past, relying on their memories and past love.
Other people will love in the future; but this is wrong as well.
These are ways to avoid love.
Love is possible only in the present, since this is the only moment when death and life meet ... inside the dark interval hidden inside you.
That dark interval is always present ... it always exists, it never ceases to be!
It is neither past nor future.
Overthinking - thinking is always connected either to the past or to the future – will divert your energies from the ability to feel.
And feeling is here and now.
If your energies move within the pattern of your thinking, they will not be enough to allow you to enter the feeling spheres ... and love cannot exist.
Therefore, the first step is to be here and now (in the present time.)
The future (whenever he will come) and the past (which does not come back) both rely on the above-mentioned concept: any wrong thinking (relating to memories or regrets) destroys the feeling: over time, those who are too obsessed with thinking tend to forget their heart.
Over time, those who are immersed in thinking start to follow a path where feeling has no voice.
If you do not listen to your feeling, the latter will leave you soon.
Millions of people live in these conditions, i.e. they neglect their heart.
They simply regard it as a pump.
They just focus on their head.
But the head is an end of the body; it is necessary, it acts as an amazing tool, but must be used as a servant.
The head should not be our master.
When the head is the master and the heart is left aside, men live, die, but will never know God, since they are not familiar with love.
At first glance, the same dark interval looks like love ... and when we completely surrender to it, it becomes God.
Love is the beginning of God ... or God is the highest peak of love.
We have been asked: "How many people write articles about Modern Prophetism? And then, can you tell us something more about love, considering that you talk about it in every article?"
A. My answer begins with this assertion: We are one, no one and one hundred thousand, as stated by Pirandello.
But now let us focus on love, which is the core issue.
Life is an opportunity: it has no purpose.
It is the soil where the roses of love blossom.
Love has its own intrinsic value: it is deprived on any purpose and logic.
It is endless, but its meaning is immense; in fact, it contains an infinite joy, a special ecstasy.
However, these values do not fall within logic.
Love is not a business with its own targets to be achieved.
There is always a touch of madness in love.
But what is madness?
Madness actually exists, because it is impossible to explain the reason why we love someone; because it is impossible to find a logical meaning for our love.
You may do some business because you need money to buy a house, as you need a shelter; how could you live without it?
In our everyday life, every thing has its precise purpose, but love ... cannot be explained.
You may say: "I just know that when we love, we get in touch with the most beautiful space hidden inside ourselves."
But Love is not the ultimate aim.
That space is not in our mind.
It cannot be turned into a consumer good.
That space is a rose bud tempered by the morning dew which shines like a pearl.
At dawn, in the early morning breeze, the rose bud dances in the first sunrays.
Love is the dance of life!
Therefore, those who do not know love miss the opportunity to take part in the dance of life and grow like roses; please, remember that I am not talking only about love between two persons.
This is the reason why, according to a guided by science, information technology, mathematics, economy and politics, love is a kind of madness.
Love looks like madness to those who do not know it.
Conversely, to those who know it, love alone can bring mental health.
Without love, men can be rich, famous, healthy, but their mental sphere is poor, because they do not know the values of their inner world.
Mental health is the scent of the roses that blossom in your heart ... and lovers are the only ones who do not need any psychological treatment!
Actually, love is the most powerful healing energy in life.
Those who do not know it are empty and unsatisfied.
Common madness has neither logic nor method, while the kind of madness called love has its own peculiar method, but what is it?
Well, love fills us with joy, turns our life into a holiday or a song, and brings endless peace.
Have you noticed that?
When you fall in love (with life or a religion, etc.) you do not need to declare your love.
Your look is more intense; your face is brighter and more beautiful than ever.
Your gait turns into a dance.
You are the same person as before, but, at the same time, you are no longer that person.
Love has entered your life; Spring has come and flowers have blossomed in your soul.
Love brings immediate changes.
Those who cannot love are neither intelligent nor beautiful.
Their life is a tragedy.
In order to enter in contact with the Great Light, you must open all the four levels (four minds); in my previous post, I talked about the first two levels, now I will focus on the other two doors.
To open the third door, you must access the two previous ones.
The third door is situated below the subconsciousness: it is the unconsciousness.
Reason opens the first door, Love the second one; if you are in love with the Light, you will feel harmony, affinity and affection.
The third door is opened by surrender and abandonment: it means that you have been initiated into the Light and this door will remain open.
You may rationally argue with the Great Light.
It does not matter. The Light will always keep in touch with you.
In fact, once you have opened the third door, it will always remain open.
You have surrendered at last!
And it is very difficult to close the third door.
It is hard to be opened and closed.
Maybe, one day, you will decide to close it and step back to your surrender.
Or, alternatively, you may surrender to someone else.
However, this will never happen, since these three doors are open, therefore the Light is trying to open the fourth one.
As a result, it is almost impossible for you to step back to your surrender.
Even before your first attempts to do so, the Light has already succeeded in opening the fourth door beyond you.
You cannot open it, and, at the same time, you cannot close it as well.
It is the superconsciousness.
Then, you must open the three doors within your power, thus enabling Light to shape the key to the fourth one, since you do not have it yet.
The effort made by the Great Light to give you the power of knowledge will let you take your time to reach the fourth door through the previous ones and get the key to open it: then there will be no more secrets in this world!
Once you have opened this door, you will not exist anymore.
Now there is no escape for you.
You may close the other doors, but the Light holds the key to the fourth one, therefore it will always remain in contact with you.
You may also die throughout this process.
It makes no difference whether you have reached the farthest place on Earth or travelled to the Moon: the Light still holds the key to the fourth door.
And, actually, a true Master never keeps the key.
The Master just opens the fourth door and then throws the key into the sea.
Therefore, it cannot be stolen or used in any other way.
Nothing can be done!
In many cases, the Great Light has forged the key to the fourth door and then has thrown it away.
Therefore, you should not worry yourself.
Now there is nothing that you can do.
Once the fourth door has opened up, all the problems will disappear.
Problems belong to the past.
That door had remained closed for millions of lives, until it got rusty.
It rather looks like a wall.
It is hard to find the keyhole, since there is no universal key: each of us, in fact, has a peculiar lock and personality, like fingerprints. Actually, nobody had, has and will have the same fingerprints
Your inner key to meet the Great Light looks like your fingerprints.
It is unique, there is no universal key.
This is the reason why you must follow the teachings of a spiritual Master who will guide you through meditation and contemplation of nature, because it is impossible to find a universal key.
Each of us has a different door, channel, lock and closure system.
Once the door has opened up, the Master will always be in contact with you.
Whenever the Master is, wherever you are, the door will always remain open.
And this door actually exists beyond time and space.
Therefore it is called supermind: it is the superconsciousness.
We have been asked: "Who is your Master? Are you always in touch with your Master? How can we get in touch with him?" -
A. We have no Master understood in the traditional meaning of the word, but we have often talked about the Great Light, we are always in contact with it, and you can join us.
Actually, the Great Light is in contact with our (and your) four levels.
In fact, there is something beyond the conscious level!
However, you can reach this goal only if you surrender to it and regard it as your Master or Great Light.
If you are a humble student willing to learn from life, the Great Light well enter in contact with you only when you interact with it; if you fail, the Great Light will not reach you.
You must understand this concept.
You have four minds: the first is the supermind, which is just a potential for the future, since now it is at an early stage.
It has not blossomed yet: it is at embryonic stage, a mere promise of the future.
Then there is the conscious mind: a small organ which enables us to reason, think, decide, discuss, doubt and believe.
The conscious mind is in contact with the Great Light to which you have not surrendered yet.
Therefore, whenever this mind interacts with the Great Light, the Master (whatever you may call him/her) well get in contact with you.
If your mind fails to enter in contact with the Great Light, the latter will not reach you.
You are a student, and you have not accepted this truth yet.
You still regard it as a teacher.
Teacher and student exist just in the conscious mind.
You must open your mind.
The other three doors are all closed. The superconscious mind is just a seed: you cannot open its door yet.
The three main ties that bind men are also the three greatest problems in life, however none of them can be solved separately, since each of them requires a solution from the other two.
The first problem is employment.
We live on this planet and can draw exclusively on its resources, the fertility of its soil, its minerals, its climate and its atmosphere.
Men have always been charged with the task of finding the right answer to the problem arising from these conditions; and today we have not found a suitable answer yet.
Over time, men have reached a considerable level of education, however they have always had to struggle for their constant improvement.
The best way to solve this problem is provided by the solution to the second problem.
The second tie which binds men is the fact that they belong to human race and live with other human beings.
We must always rely on others, adapt to them and take care of them.
This problem is solved by friendship, social engagement and cooperation; the solution of this problem will help us make progress towards the first challenge.
In fact, the division of labour is precisely the result of the ability to cooperate and ensures the wellbeing of the whole community.
"I, a Nobody, am talking to you!", Now the time has come to tell you why I declare myself a "Nobody."
The desires are dreams, they are not real.
You cannot achieve them but, at the same time, you cannot even suppress them, since only real things can come true or be repressed.
Only needs can be met or restrained.
Conversely, desires can be neither realised nor suppressed.
This topic is very complex and deserves a special attention.
Desires are dreams.
As soon as you become aware of them, they disappear.
There is no need to restrain them. Why should you do so?
Do you want to become famous? This is a dream, a wish, since the body does not care about fame.
In fact, the body is deeply affected by fame.
It is restless, always worried and annoyed by the others, precisely as a result of fame.
Voltaire thus wrote: "When I was not famous, I always prayed to God to become so, then I eventually reached my aim so I started to say «I cannot endure this! Please, God, let me be a nobody once again!"
"Before becoming famous, I used to walk along the streets and no one noticed me, so I was very sad. Nobody cared about me, I was free!"
"Then I became famous."
He wrote: "I could hardly take a walk, because people crowded around me. I was always followed by people!"
Therefore he used to pray: "I made a mistake. Please, let me be a nobody. I have become a prisoner."
Famous people are always prisoners.
In this article, I would like to focus on Violence and provide an insight into all its various aspects.
It goes without saying that the approach to violence takes on either an objective or a subjective connotation depending on the subjects who use violence, i.e. the oppressed or the ruling class.
Put simply, it is impossible to equate the violence of the "Settler" with the violence of the "Colonized person": the violence of the Settler against the Colonised person and the violence of the latter against the former; these "two" kinds of violence are clearly distinct.
In fact, the violence of the Rich and the violence of the Poor are not the same thing: the Poor actually fight against the root of the power and try to redeem themselves from the violence suffered, which in turn addresses the weak and urges the poor to put the blame for their failure on the lowest, forever repeating the reasons underlying their own failure and oppression.
Obviously, the violence of the Poor who wants to take the place of the rich, thus vexing those who are equally poor or even poorer, looks like the violence of the Rich, since it is based on the same feelings of envy, oppression, grudge and revenge.
This behaviour feeds the violence of the Rich and is also responsible for it.
This violence-revenge does not express the urgency to totally overcome one’s status of exploited or exploiter, as the "grudge" does not rely on "the Last will be the First, and the First will be the Last, so that there will be neither First nor Last."
However, from a logical point of view, the violence used by the "Rich" is different, because the rich can draw on countless resources to act in the name of beauty, magnanimity, mercy, pity and in harmony with the whole world, while the Servants are needy and deprived of the enlightened rationality, therefore they are generally less free and aware than the Rich or even than those who are neither rich nor poor, but released from opposing antagonisms.
Someone asked us: "Modern prophetism often talks about God, so what is God for you? And what religion do you profess? What is the meaning of this word? Are there any other Gods? If so, who are they?"
A. as soon as you cease to be, you will become God.
However, please remember that Modern Prophetism has always regarded this entity as "The Great Light", I will tell you why later on.
Facts represent Truth associated with awareness.
However, there is also a blind Truth, with the eyes kept closed, without the mediation of intelligence, in a non-meditative way.
This is precisely when truth is turned into facts.
For example: if you meet Christ or Buddha and look at them with poor awareness, this event will be regarded as a simple historical fact.
I am not afraid to repeat the truth, which is as ancient as the mountains and, to this end, I quote Lao-Tze, the founder of philosophical Taoism.
Lao-Tze stated that "the Tao, the divine law, is like an archer: it raises what is low and lowers what is high; conversely, the human law is quite the opposite: it increases the wealth of the rich and the poverty of the poor" (Lao-Tze.)
Therefore, if we want to be sons of the Heaven, peaceful men or sons of God, we must adapt our thoughts, words and actions to the divine law, which is particularly hard in this world ruled by steadiness, stagnation and coding of impressive inequalities which are said to belong to the natural order of things.
Some people cling so strongly to their beliefs that they cannot accept or share the ideas of the others.
Now, let’s have a closer look at the power of belief, and its ability even to harm people.
It is easy to prove that beliefs are almighty and lead to any kind of power.
Now let’s focus on the tenth right: Meritocracy.
Democracy has failed, we cannot ignore this fact; we have gone through various types of governments: aristocracy, kingdom, democratic city-states and now the whole world is exalting the idea of democracy.
However, democracy has never solved any problem, but rather has introduced new ones.
Precisely in the light of these problems, Karl Marx assumed the dictatorship of the proletariat.
I do not support this idea, since my own assumption goes far beyond democracy.
All the religions, without any exception, believe that men have had a soul since their birth.
Throughout the history of mankind, Giorgio Gurdjieff is the only one who has astonishingly said: "You don’t have any soul."
The only one! Despite the various religions.
Gurdjieff stands out from the crowd and claims that men have no soul; therefore, the place intended for the soul is actually empty.
Anyhow, we may try to create it.
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