What Is Mythology

Freitag, 13 Januar 2017 14:07 geschrieben von
What  is Mythology. The meaning of the Mythology is that to take note of the Truth. Mythology relies on Truth, while History takes into account facts. When you see a tree full of blossoms and leaves, you are facing a fact. If you learn to grasp the essence of the tree, its divinity, then it will become an expression of God and you will witness the truth. Truth requires meditative eyes. What is Mythology. The meaning of the Mythology is that to take note of the Truth. Mythology relies on Truth, while History takes into account facts. When you see a tree full of blossoms and leaves, you are facing a fact. If you learn to grasp the essence of the tree, its divinity, then it will become an expression of God and you will witness the truth. Truth requires meditative eyes. Picture: Light reflections, St. Cataldo. (Bagheria, PA).

Facts represent Truth associated with awareness.

However, there is also a blind Truth, with the eyes kept closed, without the mediation of intelligence, in a non-meditative way.

This is precisely when truth is turned into facts.

For example: if you meet Christ or Buddha and look at them with poor awareness, this event will be regarded as a simple historical fact.

They were born on a precise day, and someday they will die.

They are the body that you can see.

They are provided with a peculiar personality.

History can consider them; however, if you look at them with deep awareness, carefulness and silence, then the fact will disappear and the Truth will emerge.

In this case, Christ and Buddha will be no more those persons born on a specific day, but were never born and will never die, since they represent the Whole; they are an emanation of the infinite, a gift made to the Earth by the after-world.

Suddenly, the fact disappears and leaves space for Truth.

However, history cannot consider this, because history consists of facts.

There are two well-defined methods.

The first is History, which takes into account the facts.

The other is mythology, which relies on Truth.


There are no historical facts dealing with Buddha, Mahavira or Jesus Christ ... it would end up undermining their mystic halo and dragging them into the poor awareness of mankind.

However, some written myths about them have been handed down to us.

What is mythology?

It is a parable, which refers to something vague; it is a sign, a hit, which does not convey any message.

Inevitably, Mythology is associated with poetry, because only the latter can provide an insight into the unknown.

Jesus died on the cross and resurrected after three days.

This is poetry, it is not history. It is not a fact, it is a Truth.

Those who die in God and for God shall enjoy eternal life.

Those who are willing to die for God shall rise to a higher level of existence.

These men will replace their physical body with a bright one.

They will belong to the Earth no more and will reach Heaven, instead!

These men will get rid of the temporal dimension to embrace eternity.


It is said that trees used to blossom after the passage of Buddha, regardless of the season.

This is poetry, genuine poetry.

There are no historical evidences that this fact actually happened.

However, it refers to an occurrence which cannot be addressed in any other way.

Muhammad was said to be followed by a small white cloud - even when he crossed the desert in the hot sun – which protected him from the scorching heat, just like an umbrella.

This is another beautiful example of poetry, but certainly it is not a historical fact.

Important men like Muhammad had to be constantly and carefully protected.

Anyone who surrenders to existence will inevitably be protected by existence.

However, these are not historical facts.

These are symbolic Truths.

You are positively surrounded by facts.

When you see a tree full of blossoms and leaves, you are facing a fact.

However, if you meditate and observe with the utmost calmness and carefulness, one day your eyes will suddenly open and stare at real things; then, a tree will no longer be just a tree, the colour green will just reflect the expression of God as such and the sap which flows in the trunk, up to the leaves, will be regarded as a spiritual phenomenon.

If you learn to grasp the essence of the tree, its divinity, then it will become an expression of God and you will witness the truth.

Truth requires meditative eyes.

If your eyes are not meditative, then your life will be grey and dull, made up of just dead facts deprived of any mutual relation and meaning, at the mercy of fate.

Conversely, if you see the truth, everything will acquire a meaning and contribute to the accomplishment of global harmony.

Do not forget that the meaning is the shadow of truth and facts alone will turn life into a meaningless experience.




Life is a song, sing it.

Life is a game, play it.

Life is a dare, accept it.

Life is a dream, make it come true.

Life is a sacrifice: offer it.

Life is love: taste it.


Life is this and much, much more than this!!!

Gelesen 3552 mal Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 20 Mai 2017 11:38

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