Needs and Wishes – How to become a Nobody

Samstag, 04 Februar 2017 16:39 geschrieben von
Picture: Needs and Desires, desires are dreams, they do not belong to reality. Conversely, needs are real and oriented towards the body. Being Nobody means focusing exclusively on needs, without any internal struggle; as soon as you understand it, desires will disappear. - In the picture: the mask of Polyphemus - mythology is regarded as a series of symbolic truths. According to Homer, Ulysses and his fellows are kept imprisoned in the cave of Polyphemus, who wants to eat them. Ulysses tells the Cyclops that his name is "Nobody" and manages to blind him during his sleep. The other Cyclopes come to help him but believe that he is drunk, since he tells them that "Nobody" has tried to kill him; therefore, the cyclopes eventually leave him. Ulysses and his fellows successfully escape, however Ulysses makes a mistake due to his vanity; once out of danger, in fact, Ulysses reveals his real name to Polyphemus, and the Cyclops curses him by invoking his father Poseidon. Actually, Ulysses’ fellows all die during their journey back to Ithaca. Picture: Needs and Desires, desires are dreams, they do not belong to reality. Conversely, needs are real and oriented towards the body. Being Nobody means focusing exclusively on needs, without any internal struggle; as soon as you understand it, desires will disappear. - In the picture: the mask of Polyphemus - mythology is regarded as a series of symbolic truths. According to Homer, Ulysses and his fellows are kept imprisoned in the cave of Polyphemus, who wants to eat them. Ulysses tells the Cyclops that his name is "Nobody" and manages to blind him during his sleep. The other Cyclopes come to help him but believe that he is drunk, since he tells them that "Nobody" has tried to kill him; therefore, the cyclopes eventually leave him. Ulysses and his fellows successfully escape, however Ulysses makes a mistake due to his vanity; once out of danger, in fact, Ulysses reveals his real name to Polyphemus, and the Cyclops curses him by invoking his father Poseidon. Actually, Ulysses’ fellows all die during their journey back to Ithaca. .

"I, a Nobody, am talking to you!", Now the time has come to tell you why I declare myself a "Nobody."

The desires are dreams, they are not real.

You cannot achieve them but, at the same time, you cannot even suppress them, since only real things can come true or be repressed.

Only needs can be met or restrained.

Conversely, desires can be neither realised nor suppressed.

This topic is very complex and deserves a special attention.

Desires are dreams.

As soon as you become aware of them, they disappear.

There is no need to restrain them. Why should you do so?

Do you want to become famous? This is a dream, a wish, since the body does not care about fame.

In fact, the body is deeply affected by fame.

It is restless, always worried and annoyed by the others, precisely as a result of fame.

Voltaire thus wrote: "When I was not famous, I always prayed to God to become so, then I eventually reached my aim so I started to say «I cannot endure this! Please, God, let me be a nobody once again!"

"Before becoming famous, I used to walk along the streets and no one noticed me, so I was very sad. Nobody cared about me, I was free!"

"Then I became famous."

He wrote: "I could hardly take a walk, because people crowded around me. I was always followed by people!"

Therefore he used to pray: "I made a mistake. Please, let me be a nobody. I have become a prisoner."

Famous people are always prisoners.

The body does not need to be famous.

The body is already fine, it does not concern itself with trifles.

It needs simple things like food, water and a shelter to protect itself from the scorching sun: its requirements are basic.

The world has gone mad because of desires, not because of needs.

And people are going crazy, too!

They are reducing their needs to make room for bigger desires.

And now they are all disappointed and worn out!

Some would even give up one meal, but could not do without newspapers, movies, smoking and drinking.

However, they could get along without food!

Remember: the body is always beautiful.

This is one of the basic rules, which is unconditionally and categorically true: the body is always beautiful, while the mind is ugly.

The body has not changed.

It does not need any change.

The mind must change instead!

And the mind is associated with the desire.

The body has its own needs, which are undoubtedly real.

If you want to live, you need food.

Longing for fame, desiring what you cannot have, aiming at superfluous and trifling things, being admired by the others are not necessary to feel alive.

You do not need to be special persons, famous actors, renowned painters esteemed worldwide who strive to preserve their absurd prestige.

It is not necessary to win the Nobel Prize, since it does meet any corporal need, but only addresses the mind ones.

If you want to get rid of needs, then you must restrain them, because they are real!

If you want to fast, then you have to suppress the feeling of hunger.

However, this is an actual repression, and repressions are wrong since they imply an internal struggle.

You want to kill your body, however your body is your anchor, the boat that will take you to the other side.

The body protects the treasure, the seeds of God hidden inside you.

The body needs food, water, a shelter and some comforts.

Conversely, the mind does not want any comfort.

Try to understand the difference between desires and needs.

Needs are linked to the body, while desires have no roots!

There are just overwhelming thoughts which devastate your mind!


The needs of the mind arise from the people around you, and are generally dumb, foolish, envious and crazy.

Conversely, the needs of the body are simple: stop repressing them and start meeting them, instead!

Gelesen 3288 mal Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 20 Mai 2017 11:37

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