Politics and Religion

Samstag, 22 Oktober 2016 14:33 geschrieben von
Phonto: M. Chagall (1911) - The confusing politics of the powerful. - The gap between politics and religion consists of that fact that religion, unlike politics, must be experienced but not understood.  The politics of the politicians, who sit on comfortable seats, is rather chaotic, it bewilders our mind - which is exposed to various problems but cannot understand anything - and subjects us to the power and powerful.   The prophetic justice is make people aware everywhere and without weapons, just through its voice or the organized Nature capable of highlighting the contradictions of the weak, but especially of the strong, such as their cowardice and fear of living the terrible truth which turns them into powerless instruments of abuse. Phonto: M. Chagall (1911) - The confusing politics of the powerful. - The gap between politics and religion consists of that fact that religion, unlike politics, must be experienced but not understood. The politics of the politicians, who sit on comfortable seats, is rather chaotic, it bewilders our mind - which is exposed to various problems but cannot understand anything - and subjects us to the power and powerful. The prophetic justice is make people aware everywhere and without weapons, just through its voice or the organized Nature capable of highlighting the contradictions of the weak, but especially of the strong, such as their cowardice and fear of living the terrible truth which turns them into powerless instruments of abuse.

Politics and Religion should be simple: I do not mean that they are easy, but they are not complicated, life is not complicated; all the difficulties arise from the mind, which – if left free to run – tends to prevail over the others.

Politicians and philosophers find it very difficult – sometimes impossible - to become humanists (i.e.: to love mankind), since the deeper the knowledge, the greater the difficulty, but the difficulty depends on us; we create it by means of power and money, but complexity cannot match with simplicity, with love.

The gap between politics and religion consists of that fact that religion, unlike politics, must be experienced but not understood, the same attempt to understand it hinders any comprehension.

Intellect can solve any problem except for the problem itself: in fact, when you try to understand it, you get caught in a trap.

The politics of the politicians, who sit on comfortable seats, is rather chaotic, it bewilders our mind - which is exposed to various problems but cannot understand anything - and subjects us to the power and powerful, and the currency is precisely a token of the value.

Within this context, gold acquires a special value and becomes a currency; however, politics introduces technical barriers to its circulation (gold is regarded as a coin), thus both money and gold play a local political role and speak a language understandable only by the experts and professionals, they wear national uniforms, which may be different only apparently, but actually have the same power: exploiting the workers and citizens with exaggerated taxes and fees.

How has this situation been achieved? The context within which money (gold) circulates branches out like the circulation of the domestic goods - limited by the boundaries established by a community controlling the general circulation of the goods, including the hidden "arms trade", where arms are indicative of the "internal richness of a people", instead of being used as a means of defence.

Nowadays, arms are fundamental to the creation of wealth for the peaceful States, which are too few, unfortunately.

Look at the so-called peaceful peoples, their current financial condition and reputation, then focus on the wealth and prosperity of most of the social classes and finally consider the exploited lands, whose inhabitants live in poverty and misery.

However, this is the way things work today, becoming aware means opening the eyes of the sleepers.

We actually need words of fire to bring equality and peace.

My "No State" approach and these words against the secret tyrannies masquerading as supposedly respectable parties are not intended to offend anyone, but how can we get ready to fight for freedom?

Should we love our torturer? Or should we embrace the prophetic justice which hates the tyrant and is able to become and make people aware everywhere and without weapons, just through its voice or the organized Nature capable of highlighting the contradictions of the weak, but especially of the strong, such as their cowardice and fear of living the terrible truth which turns them into powerless instruments of abuse.

Against the tyranny of those who want to be neither "poor" nor "rich", it is necessary to learn how to abolish any kind of possession and domination over things, animals, plants and especially men; this situation must be rejected and transformed in order to acquire the magic libertarian reality of the "nameless"!

Gelesen 3315 mal Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 20 Mai 2017 11:44

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