New Man - New Society

Samstag, 29 Oktober 2016 15:14 geschrieben von
New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have: security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is. Top photo: Marc Chagall - (1947).The Rise of A New Company - lower right Symbolism: a female figure looking suffering (the socket of the State of consciousness pain ) in the lower left,; character with the head upside down ( the human character substantial changing ); top left dove with lit candle ( ideal of common good ); female figure who twirls a cruet grasping that contains a village ( the change, changing the way of living” that leads” to a better society ). New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have: security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is. Top photo: Marc Chagall - (1947).The Rise of A New Company - lower right Symbolism: a female figure looking suffering (the socket of the State of consciousness pain ) in the lower left,; character with the head upside down ( the human character substantial changing ); top left dove with lit candle ( ideal of common good ); female figure who twirls a cruet grasping that contains a village ( the change, changing the way of living” that leads” to a better society ). Photo below: Marc Chagall - (The Wedding -1910). The new man, the realized individual.

If society wants to live better, it must give birth to a New Man, but it takes a substantial change in the human behaviour, that is from the passage of preponderance, namely greater strength or importance of having, in selfish mode, the mode of being, to save us from catastrophe and economic psychology, for the common good, you have to ask yourself:

is it really possible a behavioural transformation on a large scale? 

And if it is possible, we ask ourselves, how to produce it?

Here we are helped by the Prophecy on a large scale on the web, so that more people are aware of what to do.

In my opinion, human character, if one wants to make the mass social component evolve, can change provided that the following conditions are met.

The main points are four,

-first: be aware (awareness) of the State of suffering in which selfish humanity lives;

-Second: recognize the origin of our and others ' discomfort;

-Third, admit honestly that there is another way (at the very least you can do that) to overcome the discomfort itself;

-Fourth: full accept the idea that, to overcome our discomfort, our discomfort, especially in too many social inequalities, we must accept our certain ideologies and certain rules of life and change the current way of life.

I have not made up anything, these four points correspond to the four noble truths of Buddha's teaching, rather they are the pillars on which this doctrine is established, related to the conditions of human existence, only on specific cases of human illness due to particular individual or social circumstance, are they not applied?

But come closer to us, the same principle, it is understood also to Marxist idea of salvation.

To apply it and to fully understand, we must realize that for Marx, as he himself said, communism, far from being a final destination, was a step of development intended to historically free humans from socio-economic and political influences, that make us very far from human beings (in the extended term of symbolism), namely prisoners, slaves volunteers of things, of machines and of our own lust for possession.

Marx's thinking and task was aimed to reveal to the working class, its alien and miserable social class, which was in a state of suffering; his attempt was aimed to destroy the illusions which had the effect of obscuring, clouding, in workers, the awareness of their own misery and poverty.

New man needs a new society that works for everyone, and encourages the rise of a man, whose behavioural and psychological structure have:

security, sense of identity and confidence, based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation), in need, interests, relationships love, solidarity with the surrounding world, rather than on own desire to command and be despots, to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.

Really be present and supportive in the place where you are, always!!


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New man needs a new society that works for everyone,

and encourages the rise of a man,

whose behavioural and psychological structure have: 

security, sense of identity and confidence,

based on faith in what he is (for better possibly based on personality and preparation),

in need, interests, relationships love,

solidarity with the surrounding world,

rather than on own desire to command and be despots,

to control the world, rather than live it, becoming a slave of his interests.

Gelesen 3238 mal Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 20 Mai 2017 11:42

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Question: "We live in a terrible age, our world is ruled by violence: what is the opinion of modern prophetism? What will happen to us and to the world?" Thank you, you are really smart! Giulia from Modena.

. _ ._ .

Answer: If we consider our history, we will realise that men have always been at war.

Life is impossible: it should not be like this, but there is nothing that we can do about it!

Actually, we tend to think that this part of the century will influence the future and determine the fate of mankind.

This decisive period will lead to the extinction of mankind, followed by the total destruction of life on the Earth, or will result in the birth of a new man.


- A man who does not hate life, as happened in the past; a man truly able to love life.

- A man who is affirmative instead of negative.

- A man who does not aim at life after death, but fully enjoys each moment and regards this life as a gift, instead of a punishment.

- A man who is not be the enemy of his body, but rather respects it as the temple of his soul.

- A man who is able to love and does not fear it; a man who establishes various kinds of relations and yet does not reject his identity.


There is no longer a third alternative.

Under the current conditions, man cannot survive.

He must change and evolve, or he will die and leave the Earth!


But we believe that "something" or "someone" will come, because life appeared only on our tiny planet, a trifle – just think about the Earth’s size: it is just a grain of sand in the universe- and the creator of life will surely protect it!

This must be the luckiest place in the whole universe: the birds sing, the trees grow and bloom, men are alive and, in spite of the haters, love, sing, dance and help one another ...

Something amazing has happened, and we know that it will be always so!

Love is an encounter, an orgasmic match, between death and life.

If you do not know love, then you will ignore the meaning of life.

You were born, you have lived, you have died ... but you still ignore it.

You know nothing about the in-between: love! This interval is the highest peak.

There are the four steps towards love.

The first: to be here and now;

(i.e. to be present) because love is possible only here and now.

You cannot love in the past (it is dead!)

Most people live in the past, relying on their memories and past love.

Other people will love in the future; but this is wrong as well.

These are ways to avoid love.

Love is possible only in the present, since this is the only moment when death and life meet ... inside the dark interval hidden inside you.

That dark interval is always present ... it always exists, it never ceases to be!

It is neither past nor future.

Overthinking - thinking is always connected either to the past or to the future – will divert your energies from the ability to feel.

And feeling is here and now.

If your energies move within the pattern of your thinking, they will not be enough to allow you to enter the feeling spheres ... and love cannot exist.

Therefore, the first step is to be here and now (in the present time.)

The future (whenever he will come) and the past (which does not come back) both rely on the above-mentioned concept: any wrong thinking (relating to memories or regrets) destroys the feeling: over time, those who are too obsessed with thinking tend to forget their heart.

Over time, those who are immersed in thinking start to follow a path where feeling has no voice.

If you do not listen to your feeling, the latter will leave you soon.

Millions of people live in these conditions, i.e. they neglect their heart.

They simply regard it as a pump.

They just focus on their head.

But the head is an end of the body; it is necessary, it acts as an amazing tool, but must be used as a servant.

The head should not be our master.

When the head is the master and the heart is left aside, men live, die, but will never know God, since they are not familiar with love.

At first glance, the same dark interval looks like love ... and when we completely surrender to it, it becomes God.

Love is the beginning of God ... or God is the highest peak of love.

We have been asked: "How many people write articles about Modern Prophetism? And then, can you tell us something more about love, considering that you talk about it in every article?"

A. My answer begins with this assertion: We are one, no one and one hundred thousand, as stated by Pirandello.

But now let us focus on love, which is the core issue.

Life is an opportunity: it has no purpose.

It is the soil where the roses of love blossom.

Love has its own intrinsic value: it is deprived on any purpose and logic.

It is endless, but its meaning is immense; in fact, it contains an infinite joy, a special ecstasy.

However, these values do not fall within logic.

Love is not a business with its own targets to be achieved.

There is always a touch of madness in love.

But what is madness?

Madness actually exists, because it is impossible to explain the reason why we love someone; because it is impossible to find a logical meaning for our love.

You may do some business because you need money to buy a house, as you need a shelter; how could you live without it?

In our everyday life, every thing has its precise purpose, but love ... cannot be explained.

You may say: "I just know that when we love, we get in touch with the most beautiful space hidden inside ourselves."


But Love is not the ultimate aim.

That space is not in our mind.

It cannot be turned into a consumer good.

That space is a rose bud tempered by the morning dew which shines like a pearl.

At dawn, in the early morning breeze, the rose bud dances in the first sunrays.

Love is the dance of life!

Therefore, those who do not know love miss the opportunity to take part in the dance of life and grow like roses; please, remember that I am not talking only about love between two persons.

This is the reason why, according to a guided by science, information technology, mathematics, economy and politics, love is a kind of madness.

Love looks like madness to those who do not know it.

Conversely, to those who know it, love alone can bring mental health.

Without love, men can be rich, famous, healthy, but their mental sphere is poor, because they do not know the values ​​of their inner world.

Mental health is the scent of the roses that blossom in your heart ... and lovers are the only ones who do not need any psychological treatment!

Actually, love is the most powerful healing energy in life.

Those who do not know it are empty and unsatisfied.

Common madness has neither logic nor method, while the kind of madness called love has its own peculiar method, but what is it?

Well, love fills us with joy, turns our life into a holiday or a song, and brings endless peace.

Have you noticed that?

When you fall in love (with life or a religion, etc.) you do not need to declare your love.

Your look is more intense; your face is brighter and more beautiful than ever.

Your gait turns into a dance.

You are the same person as before, but, at the same time, you are no longer that person.

Love has entered your life; Spring has come and flowers have blossomed in your soul.

Love brings immediate changes.

Those who cannot love are neither intelligent nor beautiful.

Their life is a tragedy.

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