The Purpose of Dreams - Dreams Meaning

Freitag, 18 November 2016 19:35 geschrieben von
 Dreams fall within the creative activity of our mind, we would be able to grasp their purpose, if we could understand the expectations of men for them. Picture: Marc Chagall:  - The Dream (1938 - 1939) - Symbolism: the painter regards the dream as a bridge which allows him to meet his wife again. The elongated Eiffel Tower above the painter's head (the dream) represents the instrument through which the protagonist revives the moments of his life shared with his wife (the purpose.) Dreams fall within the creative activity of our mind, we would be able to grasp their purpose, if we could understand the expectations of men for them. Picture: Marc Chagall: - The Dream (1938 - 1939) - Symbolism: the painter regards the dream as a bridge which allows him to meet his wife again. The elongated Eiffel Tower above the painter's head (the dream) represents the instrument through which the protagonist revives the moments of his life shared with his wife (the purpose.)

For how much it costs me, but there are only two schools of thoughts dealing with the interpretation of dreams and struggling to adopt a comprehensive and scientific approach.

The two schools which claim their ability to understand and interpret dreams are the School of Freudian Psychoanalysis and the School of Individual Psychology.

Perhaps, only the assumptions of Individual Psychology correspond to common sense.

The early attempts to understand the meaning of dreams had no scientific basis, however, they are still worth being examined, because they show at least the approach of men to their dream and to dream in general.

Dreams fall within the creative activity of the mind: we would be able to grasp their purpose, if we could understand the expectations of men for them.

We are just at the beginning of this investigation, but now we must face a surprising issue: apparently, the connection of dreams with future has always been taken for granted.

Men used to believe that a spirit guide, a god or an ancestor controlled their mind and influenced their behaviour during their dreams.

They relied on dreams to find help in case of difficulties.

The ancient books of dreams predicted the future of dreamers based on their dreams.

Primitive people looked for good omens and prophecies in their dreams.

Greeks and Egyptians attended their rites asking for a sacred dream able to influence their future life: these dreams were regarded as therapeutic treatments which could even soothe physical or mental disorders.

Native Americans used to undergo purifications, fasts, hot baths and great efforts to evoke dreams, whose interpretation deeply influenced their actual behaviour.

The Old Testament stresses the ability of dreams to predict future events.

Nowadays, some people claim that they have made premonitory dreams and that the things predicted have actually happened.

They believe in their ability to act as clairvoyants during their dreams, as the latter can somehow peek into the future and predict the forthcoming events.

And probably this is true! From a scientific point of view, these assumptions sound quite ridiculous.

Since my first attempts to investigate the issues relating to dreams, I have realised that awaken men are already in full control of their faculties.

Notwithstanding, we must consider this tradition of mankind which somehow connects dreams to fortune-telling; perhaps we shall find out that dreams are actually linked to our future, and there may be an element of truth.

Actually, it is not an exaggeration to say that men hope to solve their problems during sleep.

We are waiting for your dreams, which shall be welcomed and interpreted with the utmost genuinity and scientific accuracy...



Gelesen 3403 mal Letzte Änderung am Samstag, 20 Mai 2017 11:40

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